University Social Responsibility as Part of Sustainable Development in Latin America: A Study of Scientific Production in the Last 20 Years

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Ronald M. Hernández
Miguel A. Saavedra-Lopez
María Rojas-Pisfil
Oscar C. La Rosa-Feijoó
Aníbal Mejía Benavides


University social responsibility refers to the policies of continuous improvement of institutions aimed at greater community development from a holistic and sustainable perspective. The objective was to describe the current state of scientific production on university social responsibility in the Latin American context during the period 2000-2022. The study was a bibliometric, descriptive and retrospective study of scientific production in Scopus. A total of 117 documents were found where there was a predominance of the original article type of document, representing 83.76% of the total number of documents. It was found that the countries of Colombia and Peru had the highest scientific production with 23.93% and 17.95% respectively. Likewise, it was identified that from the year 2019 there was a growing trend in publications. There was international collaboration between authors who published in the Latin American context. The findings allow identifying that scientific production on university social responsibility is linked to ethical commitments and university student training, sustainable development and university social responsibility from an educational management approach.

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How to Cite
Ronald M. Hernández, Miguel A. Saavedra-Lopez, María Rojas-Pisfil, Oscar C. La Rosa-Feijoó, & Aníbal Mejía Benavides. (2024). University Social Responsibility as Part of Sustainable Development in Latin America: A Study of Scientific Production in the Last 20 Years. ACTA INNOVATIONS, 51, 36–45.